We are affiliated with Community Health System and have an extensive range of healthcare services to care for your family at every stage of life.
Primary care in your community. Medical, Dental, Behavior Health, and Specialty Services available across Connecticut.
This network brings together more than 1,000 area physicians and allied health professionals to collaborate on ways to improve the quality of care, patient ...
Our Mission. To provide access to quality and affordable healthcare in disinvested communities by developing healthcare centers that help families and ...
Collaborative Natural Health Partners is a full service natural health clinic located in Manchester, West Hartford and Stonington, CT.
Programs that support social emotional well-being for parents of young children, prescription assistance or emergency housing assistance for medically needy ...
We are comprised of ten primary care community‐based organizations providing health services at 40 sites. Our membership includes Federally Qualified Health ...
CHCACT champions leadership, education, and advocacy for Connecticut's community health centers. Learn abour initiatives and resources.
Click on a location for more details, directions and list of services. 395 North Main Street Bristol, CT 06010. 860-585-5000 · 114 East Main Street
Oct 4, 2023 · The chats centered on improving diet and exercise, smoking cessation, and encouraging clients to ask their doctor about possible risk factors ...